The rest package contains a library that was designed to make it easier to access web services that claim to be "RESTful". It includes convenience wrappers for libsoup and libxml to make remote usage of the RESTful API easier.
This package is known to build and work properly using an LFS 12.3 platform.
Download (HTTP):
Download MD5 sum: b997b83232be3814a1b78530c5700df9
Download size: 72 KB
Estimated disk space required: 3.2 MB (with tests)
Estimated build time: 0.1 SBU (with tests)
JSON-GLib-1.10.6, libsoup-3.6.4, and make-ca-1.15
GLib-2.82.4 (with GObject Introspection)
Gi-DocGen-2024.1, libadwaita-1.6.4 and gtksourceview5-5.14.2 (to build the demo), and Vala-0.56.17
An Internet connection is needed for some tests of this package. The system certificate store may need to be set up with make-ca-1.15 before testing this package.
Install rest by running the following commands:
mkdir build && cd build && meson setup --prefix=/usr \ --buildtype=release \ -D examples=false \ -D gtk_doc=false \ .. && ninja
If you have Gi-DocGen-2024.1 installed and wish to build the API documentation for this package, issue:
sed "/output/s/librest-1.0/rest-0.9.1/" -i ../docs/ && meson configure -D gtk_doc=true && ninja
To test the results, issue: ninja test.
Now, as the root
ninja install
Specify a buildtype suitable for stable releases of the package, as
the default may produce unoptimized binaries.
-D gtk_doc=false
: Allow
building this package without Gi-DocGen-2024.1 installed. If you have
Gi-DocGen-2024.1 installed and you
wish to rebuild and install the API documentation, a meson configure command will
reset this option.
-D examples=false
: Remove
this option if libadwaita-1.6.4 and gtksourceview5-5.14.2 are installed and
you wish to build the demonstration application provided by this
-D vapi=true
: Use this switch if
Vala-0.56.17 is installed and you wish to build
the Vala bindings provided by this package.