
Introduction to GStreamer Good Plug-ins

The GStreamer Good Plug-ins is a set of plug-ins considered by the GStreamer developers to have good quality code, correct functionality, and the preferred license (LGPL for the plug-in code, LGPL or LGPL-compatible for the supporting library). A wide range of video and audio decoders, encoders, and filters are included.

This package is known to build and work properly using an LFS 12.1 platform.

Package Information

GStreamer Good Plug-ins Dependencies





AAlib-1.4rc5, GTK+-3.24.41 (for examples), libdv-1.0.0, (Qt-5.15.12 or qt-alternate-5.15.12), Qt-6.6.2, Speex-1.2.1, taglib-2.0, Valgrind-3.22.0, v4l-utils-1.26.1, Wayland-1.22.0, alsa-oss, hotdoc, JACK, libcaca, libavc1394, libiec61883, libraw1394, libshout, Orc, TwoLame, and WavPack

Installation of GStreamer Good Plug-ins



If you need a plugin for a given dependency, that dependency needs to be installed before this package.

Install GStreamer Good Plug-ins by running the following commands:

mkdir build &&
cd    build &&

meson setup ..            \
      --prefix=/usr       \
      --buildtype=release \
      -Dpackage-origin= \
      -Dpackage-name="GStreamer 1.22.10 BLFS" &&

To test the results, issue: ninja test.

Now, as the root user:

ninja install

Command Explanations

--buildtype=release: Specify a buildtype suitable for stable releases of the package, as the default may produce unoptimized binaries.


Installed Programs: None
Installed Libraries: Several plugins under /usr/lib/gstreamer-1.0
Installed Directories: /usr/share/gstreamer-1.0/presets